Court Etiquette - Lichfield Friary Lawn Tennis Club

Before going on to court

· Check that the soles of your tennis shoes are free from dirt

· Ensure your membership tag is visible at all times

· Wear suitable sports clothing

What to wear

Appropriate sports clothing should be worn at the club – t-shirts, shorts, tracksuits and normal sports trainers.

Football and rugby shirts, denim and beachwear are not permitted.

While on court

· All drinks must be in sealable bottles

· Nets should not require adjustment, but if they do, please hang the measuring pole after use on the net (there is one pole for each court) using the hooks available Nets should only be adjusted using the winding handle, not by adjusting the centre tapes

· Avoid hitting balls deliberately against the perimeter fencing or over the fence

· No racquet abuse allowed, particularly in respect of the court surface

· Report any faults to the Committee

· As a courtesy to players, if coming onto an adjacent court during play, wait to be invited to do so

· As a courtesy to players, if retrieving a ball from an adjacent court, wait until the end of a point

· Please respect match play, as per the signs now in use

· Do not pull up the perimeter fence to try to retrieve balls. Use the gates and walk round, ensuring the soles of your shoes are clean before stepping back on to the courts

· During social or individual play, you encouraged to actively use courts 3 to 6

When leaving court

· Return all balls to the Clubhouse

· Take all your litter off the courts and home with you

· Retrieve any balls lost over the fence, wherever possible

· Turn off floodlights when play has finished

· Lock the courts after use, if you are the last to leave that court area

· If you are the last person at the Club, please ensure the Clubhouse is locked

The Committee welcomes feedback and will look to improve this guidance over time. It is only through respectful use of the facilities by all members that we can maintain the Club and its facilities to the standard we all aspire to. Thank you for your support.